Hey ya'll I know it's been awhile since I’ve checked in and that's because I spent over a week in Europe (London and Barcelona to be exact), and just got back in the States last night. During my trip I was soaking in the culture, the not-so-peachy weather, the food and vino, the art, architecture, the "scenes", the people, the music, and but of course the shopping. Full re-cap coming up in the next couple of days since I am jet-lagged to the fullest and honestly am struggling to keep awake, but I promise you I will give you a craving of some international flavors. Sure, there's no place like home, but there's no place like a new place that just tones you up and fills up your intellect and soul with some worldly experiences and knowledge. From the Gaudi temple to the London Underground aka the Tube to the backdoor all nite raves to the dopest vintage and second-hand stores I've came across for awhile. I definitely fell in love with Spain and one thing I learned as well -- GUIDE BOOKS GUIDE BOOKS AND MORE GUIDEBOOKS -- but I'm talking about the real underground weirdo "urban" ones which point out all the spots you'd be running around asking around for, but I'll give you my travel advice along with a photo story of my trip. Ok before I take a little siesta, I bring you an eye-catching ad I spotted on the Tube going from Soho back to Kennsington. Damn should have investigated some nail shops! Oh and lots of x's and o's to my girl Shar @
WE AINT HOES! and her girls for their love! Ciao.
You can click the image to enlarge. Lets face it, even though I'm going thru my classique stage with nails and make up... well not really but more maroons and reds and vamps instead of neons and sparkles... I still can recognize a cute nail job, and a witty ad to go along. HAH! You damn witty british.